
Blender Bevel Node

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Blender Bevel Node


Finally, a bevel node for blender geometry nodes!

This node, while not as robust as blender's bevel modifier, will handle most of your bevel needs within geometry nodes. Scenarios not supported are listed at the end.

Features (see cover video for demonstration):

  • Bevel steps
  • Support for variable bevel width per edge.
  • Support for angle limit
  • Support for selection (Note: in the video, selecting nothing will default to selecting everything. This behavior has been changed. If you want to select everything just check the box).
  • Also outputs separate selections for the beveled edges, corners, and original mesh (see cover video). New: also outputs gradients for edges, corners, and a combined gradient useful for effects like edge wear.

Note: this node is more resource intensive than the bevel modifier and will be slow with higher poly geometry. Also note that since automatic clamp overlap is not implemented, you'll have to manually make sure the beveled edges are not overlapping/colliding to avoid the bevel breaking. You'll typically do this by tweaking the geometry or adjusting the bevel width.

Scenarios that are not supported:

These are scenarios you won't commonly need.

    • Corners with any non planar faces (faces whose points don't all lie on the same plane). This is bad topology so you shouldn't have those anyway.
    • 3-edge corners where only one edge is selected for beveling and the angle between any 2 adjacent edges of the corner is negative (i.e., more than 180°). If 2 or more edges are selected then any angle is fine. Adding more edges to make the face quads instead of an N-gon will also fix this but the edges will not necessarily line up (see below).

    • Corners where only one edge is selected for beveling among 4 or more edges (3 works fine as long as the angle is not negative [>180] as mentioned above). See picture.

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